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Friday, March 18, 2011

First day

Well... Apparently, I have a been a member of this bloggy thing-a-ma-jig since 2008... it obviously was just one of those days where I was wasting time at the computer like I always do and decided to just sign up cuz everyone was doing it. That's kind of my problem as you get to know me.. I seem original when all I do is bite off of everyone's ideas, lifestyle, blah blah you get the jist. Now when it comes to style. That's completely original.. cuz I don't have any!! I ramble on about ow bummy people look and then you take a glance at what I'm wearing and then you see how my hurr is did and wah-lah... it's pretty amazing how I conjure some things up!!!

Now if that wasn't random and confusing for you, then maybe you seek some kind of psychological help cuz that was just all over the place and a complete mess..

Now, down to some real business! ME! cuz I'm all business no play!! I am the youngest of 5 children and love to be entertained by the everyday living of peoples lives. People are interesting to me. We never seem to get it right, and when we think we do, God smacks us in the head and and tells us to try again. And that is the most humorous thing about life, to see us all think that we got it all figured out only to be moded in and for a short period of time. That's how merciful God is..... he doesn't just watch us sit in our misery he helps us find our way out of it....you know???

I have now idea why I started an interest in taking this blogspot thing up. Maybe, because so many of my friends have it and so since I'm on of those 'well everyones doing it' kind of guy it just so happened that I started. Not only that, I've told numerous of friends that I'd be doing this.. and about years later here I am... Thank you friends for sticking in my head!!! HAHA

Well, all good things must come to an end, but good thing about life is after we sleep we wake up.. so thus, the party will start again!!! Loves to you!!

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